Come celebrate the arrival of the Three Kings from the East. The parade begins at 4:45pm and will pass by St. Agnes, Crandon Blvd, Mashta Rd, Monaco Fountains by the base of the Key Biscayne Christmas tree. Rodilla will be present with the sale of typical Spanish roscon and hot chocolate.
Ven a celebrar la llegada de los Reyes Magos de Oriente. El desfile empieza a las 4:45pm y pasara por St. Agnes, Crandon Blvd, Mashta Rd, Monaco Fountains, y al pie del arbol de navidad de Key Biscayne. Rodilla estara presente con venta de roscon tipico espanol y chocolate caliente.

Date and Time
Friday Jan 5, 2024
4:30 PM - 5:30 PM EST
Free and open to the public.
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